Interior of STA Church

Interior of STA Church
All Class Reunion Day, September 30, 2012. Photo courtesy: Dan Carr (Class of 1960)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where will you be tomorrow evening?

The graduates of St. Thomas Aquinas are looking forward to their 50th reunion tomorrow evening, November 6, 2010.  Not sure if 50 years ago, when this photo was taken, these young ladies thought they would be getting together tomorrow, but we are all sure glad we are.

Anna Marie, Betty's cousin, Betty Giangrego (standing), Lucy Amore, Peggy Dernbach, Carol Broderick and our hostess, Diane Hallinan

Photo courtesy: Elaine McIntyre Beaudoin


  1. Love this photo, Elaine. Three young ladies seemingly lost in their own thoughts, the other three confronting the camera (and us) with such beautifully varied expressions. Carol has that whole collar-turned-up rebel-without-a-cause attitude going for her. Just glancing from this photo to the graduation collage above, could 'unknown' be Lucille Valentino?

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  3. For some reason I think the "unknown" young lady might be a cousin of Elizabeth Giangrego. I'm pretty sure it is not Lucille Valentino. Perhaps one of the women in the photo knows who she is?
